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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Fmla Persuasive Speech Essay Example for Free
Fmla Persuasive Speech Essay Theory: American families will profit by Family Security Insurance. Articulation OF SIGNIFICANCE: If your like me, youre getting a higher education to furnish your self with a salary, yet in addition to take care your relatives in their critical crossroads. Proclamation OF CREDIBILITY: I have found through investigating work and family in the United States, that we as a nation are making a lackluster display supporting guardians, and I have discovered an arrangement that I accept would help. Review OF MAIN POINTS: First, well inspect why working families need a superior security net today than working families have before, second, well investigate how current laws are not getting along enough to shield families from difficulty in the present workforce, lastly, surely know how a humble proposition will have an emotional effect for the lives of American families. BODY I. Working families need a superior security net in todays workforce. A. The issue is that todays work environments have not found cultural changes. 1.The work-life balance is getting progressively harder for ladies in light of the fact that the current monetary circumstance requires two workers. 2.Bankruptcy master Elizabeth Warren expressed that two-salaries are expected to get by for white collar class families in a 2006 article for the Social Science Research Council. B. This issue has the results that more youngsters and ladies living in destitution. Elizabeth Warrens 2003 book The Two-Income Trap, she expresses that having a kid is presently the absolute best indicator that a lady will wind up in money related breakdown. The US Census Bureaus 2011 information appear among ladies who head families, 4 out of 10 lived in neediness (up from 38.5 percent in 2009). The kid neediness rate, effectively high at 20.7 percent in 2009, bounced to 22.0 percent a year ago. The greater part o f poor youngsters lived in female-headed families in 2010. C. This issue began when medical coverage, white collar class expenses and lodging costs encountered a sharp increment, yet earnings stay level. 1. Warren shows that there is a mystery, since families make more, yet have more cash yet less pay to spare. 2.The expansion knock in pay has put families in a higher expense section giving them another money related weight. The expense of youngster care is another budgetary weight. D. This issue has the biggest effect on white collar class and poor families. 1.Joan C. Williams writes in her 2010 book Reshaping the Work Family Debate that many single parents are one wiped out kid away from being terminated. 2. Elizabeth Warren calls attention to that now, more kids will live through their folks insolvency than their folks separate. Change: Now that I have given you that working families need a superior security net, let me explain why todays working environments is setting families in an unstable position. II. Working families are going to work environments where the present laws dont do what's needed, manages still speak to the obsolete society of the 1960s. A. The present law, Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) doesnt go far enough. 1. Under the present Family and Medical Leave Act, guardians are just offered legitimate security from getting terminated for disappearing from nonappearance to think about infant or wiped out relatives. 2. As indicated by a 2010 report from Georgetown University Law Center and the University of California Berkeley, the FMLA securities arrive at just a large portion of the workforce since it prohibits private companies. 3. The FMLA gives insurance to laborers to take just unpaid leave, which numerous specialists can't manage. B. Few are pushing for changes in FMLA, so working moms regularly quit their occupations when they have an infant or there is a family emergency, which is making America fall behind in the worldwide commercial center. 1. As indicated by Edward E Gordans 2009 book Winning the Global Talent Showdown an absence of family well disposed working environments is causing a rush of new moms out the workplace entryway. 2. Gordon infers that Americas failure to hold capable ladies is making America less serious in a worldwide economy. C. Working families today are as yet working under working environment standards from the 1960s. 1. Joan C Williams noticed that in the 1960, just 10 percent of moms worked and just 10 percent of couples separated. 2. Today, 70 percent of American kids live family units where the two guardians work and 40 percent of couples separate. 3. Today, numerous families will wind up in financial ruin if just a single life partner works. Progress: Finally, since the work environment standards and current laws have not made up for lost time to our evolving society, lets take a gander at an arrangement that could give some help to families. III. Working families would profit incredibly from Family Security Insurance (F.S.I.) strategy activity co-wrote by analysts at Georgetown University Law Center and the University of California at Berkeley in 2010. A. Family Security Insurance would give paid leave to the two people for wellbeing and care-giving reasons. The arrangement could be actualized by the State or Federal Governments The strategy would pay an administrative the lowest pay permitted by law for as long as 18 weeks. a. This compensation is available, b. We could likewise give child reward (appox. $5000.) to guardians who dont withdraw to counterbalance the expense of youngster care. c. This approach has just been executed in Australia in 2010. B. Lew Daily of Newsweek, Aug third, 2009 distributed 2007 examination from McGill University found that out 173 America is â€Å"among the worst†for supporting families. 1.We remained with just Liberia, Swaziland, and Papua New Guinea as the main nations giving no paid maternity leave. 2. Of all the affluent nations, barring our own, folks are qualified for as long as 47 weeks of maternity leave. 3. Australias 2011 Paid Leave Scheme is the most unobtrusive; least expensive of every single industrialized country family leave acts. C. Some would contend that executing a more extensive family leave act would hurt organizations. 1. A more extensive family leave act will prompt better business result. 2. It would hold gifted laborers who have families. Taken care of time for wiped out representatives would help in full recuperation causing less ceaseless conditions setting aside organizations cash on medicinal services. 4 Recent exploration at Georgetown University Law Center and U of C Berkeley discovered guardians getting paid leave to think about another brought into the world returned to work a short time later and were progressively gainful in general. D. Instructions to assist Washington With expressing lead the path with Family Security Insurance. 1. Compose your congresswoman, Jaime Herrera Beutler, communicating your anxiety for the groups of Washingtons third locale. 2. Bring issues to light by conversing with your loved ones. 3. Call your folks and state thank you for whatever decisions they have made to get you here. End Audit OF MAIN POINTS: Today, we have first inspected why working families need a superior wellbeing net in the present work environment, second we have taken a gander at how the present laws are not getting along enough to shield families in 2012 from money related difficulty , lastly we see how an unassuming proposition could go far toward making American families increasingly secure.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Four Essential Elements of Teams Free Essays
In this period of quickly evolving innovation, advertise driven dynamic, client advancement, and representative anxiety, pioneers and directors are confronted with new difficulties. Associations must form new structures and ace new aptitudes so as to contend and endure. As work settings become progressively unpredictable and include expanded quantities of relational collaborations, singular exertion has less effect. We will compose a custom paper test on The Four Essential Elements of Teams or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now So as to build proficiency and adequacy, a collective endeavor is required. The production of groups has become a key system in numerous associations. Group building is a basic component in supporting and improving the viability of little gatherings and teams and should be a key piece of a complete program of authoritative change. Hellriegel, Slocum, Woodman (1986) express that group building is utilized to improve the viability of work bunches by concentrating on any of the accompanying four purposes: defining objectives and needs, settling on implies a strategies, inspecting the manner by which the gathering works, and investigating the nature of working connections. A cycle at that point creates; it starts with the mindfulness or view of an issue and is followed successively by information assortment, information sharing analysis, activity arranging, activity execution, and social assessment. This style is rehashed as new issues are recognized. Not all work bunches are groups. Reilly and Jones (1974) list four fundamental components of groups: objectives, association, duty, and responsibility. The individuals must have shared objectives or motivation to cooperate; there must be a reliant working relationship; people must be focused on the collective endeavor; and the gathering must be responsible to a more elevated level inside the association. A genuine model is an athletic group, whose individuals share objectives and a general reason. Singular players have explicit assignments they are answerable for, however each relies upon the other colleagues to finish their assignments. Absence of duty to the collaboration lessens by and large adequacy. At long last, the group as a rule works inside the system of a higher association such an alliance. The general goal of a work group is to practice command over authoritative change (practically, this includes expanded dynamic and critical thinking endeavors), albeit a symptom might be to build the profitability of individual individuals. An essential goal of group building is to expand attention to amass process. Basically, the gathering individuals will figure out how to control change remotely by testing inside. The group building exertion will focus on obstructions to compelling working and the choice of methodologies to defeat these hindrances. Authoritative disappointments frequently are not an aftereffect of poor administration but rather of poor followership. Barely any preparation programs instruct how to be a compelling individual from a vote based gathering. A colleague is one of a gathering of common supporters. Perception of people working inside groups prompts the accompanying rundown of attributes of an impact colleague. Such an individual: Comprehends and is resolved to aggregate objectives; Is cordial, concerned, and keen on others; Recognizes and goes up against strife transparently; Tunes in to others with comprehension; Remembers others for the dynamic procedure; Perceives and regards singular contrasts; Contributes thoughts and arrangements; Qualities the thoughts and commitments of others; Perceives and rewards collaborations; and Supports and acknowledges remarks about group execution. These attributes are in consecutive example, exchanging errand and relationship practices. This example of practices is the beginning stage for the improvement of successful group building. Group Building is an arranged change mediation that centers around the elements of a team†s working. The reason for group building is to improve the team†s ability to adjust, permit individuals to work at their most beneficial creative levels, and to accomplish the groups objectives. In creating groups there are four unique stages that must be completely practiced so as to arrive at its strategic accomplishing higher caliber in the working environment. These phases in succession are: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. The initial three phases of group improvement must be finished so as to accomplish stage four. In each phase there are unmistakable practices, emotions and questions which colleagues can understanding. In stage one, Forming, individual relations are exceptional by quality. Colleagues rely upon obliging and imitated conduct and seek the group head for stance and direction. The conjoint or common emotions that are utilized in shaping are: Energy, hope, and formally dressed confidence. Glad to be chosen as being a piece of the group. Demonstrating restrictive connection to the group. Having questions, concerns and vulnerability about the activity or the undertaking ahead. The colleagues likewise have questions and comments that they hope to be replied by group engineers, they are: â€Å"Who are for the most part these people?†â€Å"Everyone is by and large so polite.†â€Å"This may be somewhat exciting.†A powerful and productive conduct is normal from the group chief. A pioneer should address all the inquiries the colleagues have. A pioneer ought to likewise manage them through each progression and check the normal need of every part. A group will be framed effectively. The entirety of the groups thoughts and objectives will have a constructive outcome in the association. The subsequent stage, Norming, is portrayed by attachment inside the group. Colleagues perceive each other†s positions and benefits and are eager to change their assumptions to accomplish basic assent. The regular sentiments that are utilized in Norming are: Colleagues can impart without fearing reprisal. Colleagues acknowledge their enrollment to the group. Feeling solace that specific things will go the manner in which they were arranged. Colleagues are more amicable and they share all the more noteworthy emotions with one another. The inquiries and remarks that are expressed in Norming are: â€Å"How are we going to coexist with each other?†â€Å"What are the guidelines of membership?†â€Å"Seems like we are all on a similar track finally.†â€Å"We appear to be working increasingly brought together, and we attempt to keep away from strife, when possible.†In Norming, the colleagues at long last put the dread of disappointment behind them. They are happy to turn out to be any contention that may happen. Positive and negative input turns out to be all the more tolerating inside the group. As criticism increment, individuals have a superior comprehension of where they stand and become increasingly engaged with dynamic. Step by step instructions to refer to The Four Essential Elements of Teams, Essay models
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Legal Environment of the Vietnam Markets
Legal Environment of the Vietnam Markets Socio-Cultural and Political-Legal Environment of the Vietnam Markets Home›Research Posts›Socio-Cultural and Political-Legal Environment of the Vietnam Markets Research PostsMethodology:This report is a product of an ambitious research done on various business information databases and thorough consultation with different research agencies. Business databases have the latest news on what is happening on the ground in all parts of the world as far as businesses and business opportunities are concerned. Research firms also came in handy because they have archived materials that were also relevant in this research.Introduction:Opportunities and risks, from time immemorial have been chief considerations before coming up with any viable investment venture, any where in the world. Vietnam form a historical view point has been a country which presents abundant business opportunities for investors despite the existing socio-cultural and political legal environments . This report will therefore form an important and valuable reference point for those willing to come up with viable business opportunities and investment ventures in Vietnam.Business Opportunities in VietnamVietnam presents abundant business opportunities for the products of ‘Read the World’. This is particularly true because, from time immemorial, the country has been faced and still continue to be faced by a perennial shortage of trees which has eventually dwindled forest resources as a result of serious logging , a situation that has been compounded by a variety of challenges, including but not limited to, illegitimate cutting down of trees under the guise of using them for even more beneficial purposes.Its pulp and paper industries have seriously been reeling under the lack of raw materials. The herculean yet recommendable efforts of the country’s authorities in control and management especially in the forestry sector directed at fighting illegitimate logging of trees have been futile because of the social character of the Vietnamese, which has made many of them to be able to only see their present benefits at the expense of the ensuing ramifications.Other authorized agencies have also not been instrumental at directing their efforts towards the same. Vietnam’s sactions and punishments on illegal loggers have also been weak. In the midst of all these is a golden business opportunity, a ready and available market for the products of ‘Read the World’ in Vietnam’s retail outlets.Majority of the Vietnamese are also educated and will definitely make use of the products. Moreover, the price index of the consumers have also been rapidly on the increase since 2010 when the government came up with a raft of measures which were directed at stemming down the rate of inflation and the implementation and innovation of strategies to develop medium and small-size of business enterprises. (Hoboken, 2010, p 336)The Vietnam government has also approved electronic tax services which are expected to modernize the services. This will enable the country develop a lot of consistency and in the same breathe, ensure there is transparency in managing its taxes.( James, 1997, p.37)This will stem down the ever-rising tide of corruption among the Vietnamese especially in the line of collection and processing of taxes. This was after having realized it had delayed in the development of strategies that are geared towards adoption of e-commerce.This is also expected to strengthen the legalities and the modalities related to administration and line it with the expectations of internationally recognized standards and also offer attractive services to the tax paying bodies, all of which will work to the advantage of ‘Read the World’.Vietnam’s economic foundations and how it offers this investmentOvertime, Vietnam has been placing a lot of emphasis on its slow integrati on in trade, mainly within a global scale and cultivation of a political climate that would culminate into an attractive system for investment by other world countries. (Charles,1988, p.79)The country has also been on the frontline towards the realization of a rapid transformation into an economy that is more oriented towards the marketing sector. The country is currently working on a reform package that has brought on board and hankered into partial and private ownership of enterprises that were previously owned by the state and ambitious strategies that are geared towards liberalizing the existing trade regime. (Harrison, 1997, p. 56)In the last few years, Vietnam has been grappling with a global environment which from the economic perspective has come with its own challenges but has registered an annual economic growth rate of approximated to be about 7 % during the last 5 years. (Jin, 2005, p. 91)Just like in youth-dominated markets like Brazil, Mexico, India, South Africa Philippines among others, the younger population of the Vietnam have increasingly been equipped with new ideas, ways and modalities of engaging customers, coming up with fresh and workable solutions to problems associated with the aged, and also initiating new models of organization. This, to larger extent is shaping the future of Vietnam.The economy of Vietnam is one that is still transitional. The Vietnamese government, has therefore been highly encouraging and supporting a Micro entrepreneurship culture of initiating small business enterprises among the people so as to stabilize the economy.This would place the products of ‘Read the World’ on a more competitive edge in the retail outlets. Moreover, since the late 20th century, Vietnam and Cambodia have jointly been trying to open up their transitional economies to global trade and investment opportunities. This has seen them achieve good results, which has continually p laced them in a well established position in the war towards the reclamation of the economy of the world.Threats to business opportunities in VietnamThreats to businesses in Vietnam can be grouped as state and non-state threats. The threats include but are not only limited to:Corruption: Corruption can be defined as that which is done with an aforethought of getting some self motivated benefits which are not in line with the rights and the entitlements of other people. (Dick, 2010, p.442)Dynamics in the political, commercial and legal sectors have watered the tree of corruption in Vietnam. (Tim Lindsey and Howard Dick, 1948, p 68)Corruption is alive and kicking, both at the higher and at the cadres of the Vietnamese government. This is doing more harm than good. This ahs caused disparity in its economy and d the aid given to the government has often been misplaced. (Bird, 2003)The sitting government has been involved in many scandalous deals which have always raised ey ebrows among the court of public opinion. It is a vice that the government has given only paper solutions. Corruption in Vietnam is said to permeate every economic sector and the government has dismally failed in the war against it. (Caleb, 2010, p.123)Government regulations are also very stringent to the extent that the people are forced to grease the palms of those in charge.Over the years, access to decent and afford able housing in Vietnam continue to be a problem. This has culminated into a situation where the rental rates for the existing few decent offices have flared up.(Battler, 1989, p.234)Real estate agents and companies have however popped up in Vietnam and this has greatly improved access to decent housing and office rental units. (John, 1967,p.24)As a result of the same, rental rates have also been able to stabilise and the supply and demand forces can now positively interact. On the contrary, the demand for business offices has not been adm irable. (Charles, 1988, p.121)The country has also not been very instrumental at removing the existing red-tape or the bureaucratic bottlenecks. All these can impact negatively on the operations of ‘Read the World’. Currently, there are so many administrative procedures which the country has promised to reduce. (Sue, 1997, p.101)This can slow down the processing of the legal requirements before ‘Read the World’ can begin selling its products to the Vietnam people. These have seriously dented the local climate for investment.( Bird, 2003, p334)As a result of run-away corruption and thuggery in government, regulations are still not very transparent. The government systems have terribly failed. Invoices are also printed according to the regulations of the governments own hedonistic pursuits. (Manuel, 1994).The rights of the investors have also not been properly hankered and enforced. This has therefore attracted very little in terms of investment in the coun try. (Jonan, 1999, p84)The pervading political climate and corruption has worked to the disadvantage of investors.( Benedict, FW Davies,1960, p.223).This can also to some extent work against the establishment of this viable business opportunity. Investors are also highly taxed and this has discouraged many potential investors.(Hook,1999, p.48)Vietnam, being a third world country which is still grappling with putting itself on the right economic footing is mainly composed of people who are still not skilled in any area. Very few people are skilled in one way or the other. (Camnont Walter, 1999, p. 345)Overdependence on rice cultivation for commercial and subsistence purposes leaves very few to other jobs.( Geoffrey, 1986, p.79)As a result, the products of ‘Read the World’ may not be given priority in the scale of preference of the Vietnamese.ConclusionThe decision to sell the products of ‘Read the World’ in Vietnam would be the most prudent of all de cisions. Despite the inherent risks and threats, ‘Read the World’ would reap more from the sale of its products.RecommendationsAmbitious advertising should be carried out in the internet and other forms of media to inform the Vietnamese people on the same.Increasing diplomatic relations with Vietnam
Friday, May 22, 2020
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The New Fuss About Unique Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
The New Fuss About Unique Compare and Contrast Essay Topics Unique Compare and Contrast Essay Topics and Unique Compare and Contrast Essay Topics - The Perfect Combination If necessary, you could always turn to professionals to supply you with a nudge or assist you with your topics or sources. It is possible to also order a fully written compare and contrast essay and alleviate the quantity of work you need to do. It is preferable to choose up-to-date sources. After you have collected the information, you must think through the structure of your essay and make the very first draft. Compare and contrast essay is widely utilised in many different types of writing assignments. To compose a high-quality paper, you've got to understand how to pick your topic properly and utilize it to create a practical outline. Excellent paper demands reliable sources. Every familiar paper has an identical structure. You should research your topic to select three claims. Finding the topic wrong can destroy your effort and time. Prewriting In the prewriting phase, you want to brainstorm about this issue and the most important idea. If you select a difficult essay topic for a specific reason, or when you have zero choice and thegiven topic doesn't interest you much, do take the aid of Professional Advisers. Choosing Unique Compare and Contrast Essay Topics The type of compare and contrast essay topic you select should always depict your degree of learning. As there is greater population in the city and there may be many more diversities, including the religion, the backgro und and the belief and so forth. Otherwise, you should look at a number of the easy compare and contrast essay topics on the many scientific innovations. If you are making your own essay topic, then there should be an obvious foundation for comparison and the comparison should make logical sense. Using Unique Compare and Contrast Essay Topics When you have identified the 2 subjects, decide which similarity and difference to concentrate on. In the conclusion, it's important to recap all the essential points. In a lot of sections of text's primary body you are going to demonstrate different contrast or compare points. Keep a look out in case it will become available again! Assignment writing can be rather an intimidating undertaking for many. If you wish to see more topics, be certain to look at My Homework Done. Students will locate some great points and ideas essential for the maturation of a superior school or college comparative essay. The Hidden Truth About Unique Comp are and Contrast Essay Topics Choice of the essay topic is important portion of your efforts to compose a great essay. If you would like to deepen in the essay topic, you can choose a few other sources with detailed info on your essay topic. A number of the essay topics below may appear to contain subjects that don't have anything in common. It's possible for you to use any as the subject of your essay particularly whenever you're not assigned any specific theme. Once you have selected a topic, you will start writing your essay. If making your essay creative, you are definitely going to get the maximum grade. My essay would grow to be a completely different beast. If so, you're in for writing a very good essay. Characteristics of Unique Compare and Contrast Essay Topics Understand another manner of life is not too straightforward and you may want to get started learning some knowledge of various categories. For example an individual may select a topic like, life in the shoes of a werewolf. Traveling after fifty years may provide some new beautiful and appealing areas to go.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Solving Prison Overcrowding with Drug Courts Free Essays
Elizabeth Johnson was a model student. She was characterized by her teachers as hardworking, driven, and goal oriented. After being placed on the honor roll and graduating early from Morris High School in Will County, Illinois, she attended Northern Illinois University to become a lawyer. We will write a custom essay sample on Solving Prison Overcrowding with Drug Courts or any similar topic only for you Order Now Within her first year at college, her life derailed. She was caught by the police and arrested for possession of marijuana. Johnson was expecting to be placed in prison but she found herself in a drug court, which assigned her mandatory drug rehabilitation. After graduating from the rehabilitation program, she went back to school at John Marshall Law School, and passed the bar exam. Now, after seven years of completing the drug program, she has not relapsed and works as a District Attorney for Will County. However, stories like Johnson’s aren’t common. For every story like hers, there are hundreds of stories where the drug user would be sent to prison, shattering his or her future (Cain). Our prisons, now host thousands of non-violent drug users. These prisons have high upkeep costs, and have led to overcrowding in some states (United States, Department of Justice). The establishment of drug courts, throughout the nation, would result in less economic costs to America, while still rehabilitating drug users successfully. Currently a large part of the Federal budget goes to the criminal justice system and more specifically in stopping drug abuse. In 2005, the government spent 135. 8 billion dollars stopping substance abuse and addiction (Lyons). This money is spent on creating new rehabilitation programs and testing facilities for drug users to attend. However, drug users attend these programs on a voluntary basis. They are able to join and leave the programs at any time (Lyons). The Federal Government is spending billions on increasing rehabilitation facilities available, but is still sending drug users to prison. The courts still assign prison as sentences for drug users, as opposed to rehabilitation (Vrecko). Now, the Department of Justice needs another $6. 172 billion, on top of their current budget, for the rise in costs of federal prisons (United States, Office of Management and Budget). Our current drug policy is failing to match the Federal Government’s initiative for rehabilitation. The current drug policy and harsh punishments has led to prison overcrowding. The New York Times reported that in California, there has been an increase of 45,000 drug users in prison. This increase has fostered the argument of California’s prisons being overcrowded. California’s prison system is overcrowded with 145% capacity. There has now been a surge of cases to the Supreme Court about the constitutionality of the prisons (Liptak). Much of the problem of prison overcrowding has been linked to drug users. In 2009, the Federal Bureau of Prisons reported that 51. percent of prisoners are in prison for drug related charges. For comparison, in 1995, the number of prisoners for drug related charges was 26. 7 percent. (United States. Department of Justice. ) The number of prisoners has nearly doubled due to harsher drug policies stricter punishments. Like California, many states are dealing with a surge in drug users in prison which has resulted in an increase in upkeep costs. For example, Washington will need to build three new prisons to ensure the constitutionality of their prisons. Peter Aldhous, who earned his PhD from the University of California Berkley, wrote that each prison will cost $250 million to build and an additional $45 million to run each year. Unless Washington changes some of its drug policies, they will likely see a continued rise in the amount of drug users in prison and â€Å"prison upkeep costs†. Moreover, Aldhous expects 4. 1 billion dollars to be spent on new prisons across the nation over the next decade. While this is a long-term cost to states, many states will need new beds and other items for their prisons. In Texas, the prisons will require 17,000 new beds (Lyons). In addition, states will have to hire more prison guards. In the end, the short term cost to the state may be around 1 million dollars (Mergenhagen). As the number of overcrowded prisons rises, drug usage while in prison also increases. Many drug users in prison have the ability to meet their friends and family on visits. During these visits, drugs have been given to the drug user in prison. However, the drugs that are exchanged are drugs that are hard to be traced during urine tests. As a result, inject able drugs, which leave no trace in urine, are the most likely to be exchanged. The drugs are then used in the prison cells where other cellmates may use the drug as well. In a study comprising of 13 prisons, the range of prisoners who used injectable drugs while incarcerated was 16% to 54%. (Lines). When sharing injectable drugs, the prisoners also share the needle. This has disastrous effects on the health of the prisoners. Sharing needles causes an increase likelihood of contracting diseases like HCV, HBV, and HIV (Lines). Another study, which looked at 43 prisons, found that the average HIV/AIDS prevalence is 3%. However, specifically in New York, the prevalence was 12. % (Mergenhagen). Outside of prison, America has a HIV/AIDS prevalence of . 3% (United States. Department of Health and Human Services). Drug users in prison are 10 times more likely to contract HIV/AIDS versus the average population. Finally, the recidivism rate has not fallen with the harsher drug policy. Within two years of being released from prison, 32% of the drug users are incarcerated again for drug charges (Fox). This high recidivism rate furthers the idea that the inmates are not receiving the proper attention in prison to deal with their drug addiction. Drug users are sent to prison typically at a young age similar to Johnson. In prison, they do not receive any â€Å"additional education, job training, or counseling. †They are then released back into society without any new resources to succeed. Instead, they carry a record which impairs them from obtaining jobs, and the psychological problems of being behind bars for an extended period of time (Phlisher). The recidivism rate remaining high, and lack of resources for individuals to succeed points to the need for a new solution rather than prison. â€Å"Drug courts†are the ideal solution. These drug courts are separate from the normal criminal court. Dr. Scott Vrecko, who obtained his PhD from the London School of Economics, claims that drug courts are specifically made for sending drug users to a rehabilitative program. If the judge feels as if the individual would be more successful in a â€Å"rehabilitative program as opposed to prison†, he or she will send the drug user to a program of the judge’s choice. If the drug user fails the program, he or she will be sent to prison. This option gives them the ability to have â€Å"education, job training, and counseling†while in rehab. However, the availability of drug courts is limited to only a few states with Florida being the largest. In these states, they have great success on limiting the toll that prisons bear for drug users. Yet, only 6% of drug users in the nation have access to a drug court (Gorsman). 6% is too small to have any far reaching impact across the nation. Increasing the number of drug courts available to the nation on a federal level would have a strong effect on lowering the cost for prisons and reducing the recidivism rate. The creation of drug courts would have a beneficial economic impact. First, it would lower the percentage of drug users in prison from 51. 4% to around 17% (Berman). This would vastly lower the economic costs of maintaining the prisons. Moreover, it would only cost 1. 2 billion dollars to create drug courts throughout the nation (Gorsman). The proposed 1. 2 billion dollars is a fraction of 135. 8 billion dollars the nation already pays for the creation of rehabilitative programs (Lyons). The rehabilitative programs are already built and running. These drug courts would enforce mandatory attendance to the program. In fact, it would save about 1. million dollars per 200 people per year. (Lyons). The estimated savings would easily cover the costs of creating the drug courts after a few years. Many of the drug users in prison are not there on their first arrest, but their second and third arrest. The largest drawback of the prison system, is its inability to reduce recidivism. However, drug courts have become more effective at reducing recidivism. In one study, the recidivism rate was 4% to 8% after two years of being released from the program (Berman). This number is significantly lower than the 32% recidivism rate for drug users who go to prison (Fox). The most extensive study was done by Brenda Newton-Taylor an M. D. from Stanford. The study involved 432 participants and factored out eight different variables including â€Å"length of drug usage, race, gender, income, and the specific drug used†. They found a recidivism rate at 6% for those who graduated from the rehabilitative program. Furthermore, those that failed the program used drugs less often than before after being released from prison. On average they used drugs about a third as much as they used to. This resulted in the individuals having better jobs and maintaining better lives. The creation of drug courts have been effective in reducing the recidivism rate and lowering the cost on prisons. Many of the present arguments against the establishments of drug courts is related to a theoretical rise in drug users due to a less severe punishment. However, this idea has been empirically disproved. In the certain areas where drug courts are present in America, such as Florida, there has not been a statistically significant increase in the amount of drug usage or drug users (Marlowe). Much of this has been applied to the continued social stigmatization of drugs. Although some states have taken a shift in their drug policy, the stigmatization of drugs still exists. Further, although the mandatory treatment program is not as harsh as prison, it is still not an appealing punishment (Marlowe). The average length to graduate from the program is about 8 months (Newton-Taylor). The time required to graduate still deters individuals from using drugs. If they fail the program, they will be sent to jail which still acts as a deterrent. (Marlowe). The argument of increased drug consumption lacks empirical evidence. The establishment of drug courts throughout the nation would help to solve some of the pressing needs of overcrowding within state prisons and the stagnant recidivism rates. Elizabeth Johnson has been pleading her case to the Illinois state government for the creation of drug courts in every county. Many representatives have joined her support of drug courts, and Illinois has seen large strides in reforming their drug policies. (Cain. ) With many large states such as Florida shifting to drug courts, the push for the federal government to enact the change will undoubtedly follow. How to cite Solving Prison Overcrowding with Drug Courts, Essay examples
Solving Prison Overcrowding with Drug Courts Free Essays
Elizabeth Johnson was a model student. She was characterized by her teachers as hardworking, driven, and goal oriented. After being placed on the honor roll and graduating early from Morris High School in Will County, Illinois, she attended Northern Illinois University to become a lawyer. We will write a custom essay sample on Solving Prison Overcrowding with Drug Courts or any similar topic only for you Order Now Within her first year at college, her life derailed. She was caught by the police and arrested for possession of marijuana. Johnson was expecting to be placed in prison but she found herself in a drug court, which assigned her mandatory drug rehabilitation. After graduating from the rehabilitation program, she went back to school at John Marshall Law School, and passed the bar exam. Now, after seven years of completing the drug program, she has not relapsed and works as a District Attorney for Will County. However, stories like Johnson’s aren’t common. For every story like hers, there are hundreds of stories where the drug user would be sent to prison, shattering his or her future (Cain). Our prisons, now host thousands of non-violent drug users. These prisons have high upkeep costs, and have led to overcrowding in some states (United States, Department of Justice). The establishment of drug courts, throughout the nation, would result in less economic costs to America, while still rehabilitating drug users successfully. Currently a large part of the Federal budget goes to the criminal justice system and more specifically in stopping drug abuse. In 2005, the government spent 135. 8 billion dollars stopping substance abuse and addiction (Lyons). This money is spent on creating new rehabilitation programs and testing facilities for drug users to attend. However, drug users attend these programs on a voluntary basis. They are able to join and leave the programs at any time (Lyons). The Federal Government is spending billions on increasing rehabilitation facilities available, but is still sending drug users to prison. The courts still assign prison as sentences for drug users, as opposed to rehabilitation (Vrecko). Now, the Department of Justice needs another $6. 172 billion, on top of their current budget, for the rise in costs of federal prisons (United States, Office of Management and Budget). Our current drug policy is failing to match the Federal Government’s initiative for rehabilitation. The current drug policy and harsh punishments has led to prison overcrowding. The New York Times reported that in California, there has been an increase of 45,000 drug users in prison. This increase has fostered the argument of California’s prisons being overcrowded. California’s prison system is overcrowded with 145% capacity. There has now been a surge of cases to the Supreme Court about the constitutionality of the prisons (Liptak). Much of the problem of prison overcrowding has been linked to drug users. In 2009, the Federal Bureau of Prisons reported that 51. percent of prisoners are in prison for drug related charges. For comparison, in 1995, the number of prisoners for drug related charges was 26. 7 percent. (United States. Department of Justice. ) The number of prisoners has nearly doubled due to harsher drug policies stricter punishments. Like California, many states are dealing with a surge in drug users in prison which has resulted in an increase in upkeep costs. For example, Washington will need to build three new prisons to ensure the constitutionality of their prisons. Peter Aldhous, who earned his PhD from the University of California Berkley, wrote that each prison will cost $250 million to build and an additional $45 million to run each year. Unless Washington changes some of its drug policies, they will likely see a continued rise in the amount of drug users in prison and â€Å"prison upkeep costs†. Moreover, Aldhous expects 4. 1 billion dollars to be spent on new prisons across the nation over the next decade. While this is a long-term cost to states, many states will need new beds and other items for their prisons. In Texas, the prisons will require 17,000 new beds (Lyons). In addition, states will have to hire more prison guards. In the end, the short term cost to the state may be around 1 million dollars (Mergenhagen). As the number of overcrowded prisons rises, drug usage while in prison also increases. Many drug users in prison have the ability to meet their friends and family on visits. During these visits, drugs have been given to the drug user in prison. However, the drugs that are exchanged are drugs that are hard to be traced during urine tests. As a result, inject able drugs, which leave no trace in urine, are the most likely to be exchanged. The drugs are then used in the prison cells where other cellmates may use the drug as well. In a study comprising of 13 prisons, the range of prisoners who used injectable drugs while incarcerated was 16% to 54%. (Lines). When sharing injectable drugs, the prisoners also share the needle. This has disastrous effects on the health of the prisoners. Sharing needles causes an increase likelihood of contracting diseases like HCV, HBV, and HIV (Lines). Another study, which looked at 43 prisons, found that the average HIV/AIDS prevalence is 3%. However, specifically in New York, the prevalence was 12. % (Mergenhagen). Outside of prison, America has a HIV/AIDS prevalence of . 3% (United States. Department of Health and Human Services). Drug users in prison are 10 times more likely to contract HIV/AIDS versus the average population. Finally, the recidivism rate has not fallen with the harsher drug policy. Within two years of being released from prison, 32% of the drug users are incarcerated again for drug charges (Fox). This high recidivism rate furthers the idea that the inmates are not receiving the proper attention in prison to deal with their drug addiction. Drug users are sent to prison typically at a young age similar to Johnson. In prison, they do not receive any â€Å"additional education, job training, or counseling. †They are then released back into society without any new resources to succeed. Instead, they carry a record which impairs them from obtaining jobs, and the psychological problems of being behind bars for an extended period of time (Phlisher). The recidivism rate remaining high, and lack of resources for individuals to succeed points to the need for a new solution rather than prison. â€Å"Drug courts†are the ideal solution. These drug courts are separate from the normal criminal court. Dr. Scott Vrecko, who obtained his PhD from the London School of Economics, claims that drug courts are specifically made for sending drug users to a rehabilitative program. If the judge feels as if the individual would be more successful in a â€Å"rehabilitative program as opposed to prison†, he or she will send the drug user to a program of the judge’s choice. If the drug user fails the program, he or she will be sent to prison. This option gives them the ability to have â€Å"education, job training, and counseling†while in rehab. However, the availability of drug courts is limited to only a few states with Florida being the largest. In these states, they have great success on limiting the toll that prisons bear for drug users. Yet, only 6% of drug users in the nation have access to a drug court (Gorsman). 6% is too small to have any far reaching impact across the nation. Increasing the number of drug courts available to the nation on a federal level would have a strong effect on lowering the cost for prisons and reducing the recidivism rate. The creation of drug courts would have a beneficial economic impact. First, it would lower the percentage of drug users in prison from 51. 4% to around 17% (Berman). This would vastly lower the economic costs of maintaining the prisons. Moreover, it would only cost 1. 2 billion dollars to create drug courts throughout the nation (Gorsman). The proposed 1. 2 billion dollars is a fraction of 135. 8 billion dollars the nation already pays for the creation of rehabilitative programs (Lyons). The rehabilitative programs are already built and running. These drug courts would enforce mandatory attendance to the program. In fact, it would save about 1. million dollars per 200 people per year. (Lyons). The estimated savings would easily cover the costs of creating the drug courts after a few years. Many of the drug users in prison are not there on their first arrest, but their second and third arrest. The largest drawback of the prison system, is its inability to reduce recidivism. However, drug courts have become more effective at reducing recidivism. In one study, the recidivism rate was 4% to 8% after two years of being released from the program (Berman). This number is significantly lower than the 32% recidivism rate for drug users who go to prison (Fox). The most extensive study was done by Brenda Newton-Taylor an M. D. from Stanford. The study involved 432 participants and factored out eight different variables including â€Å"length of drug usage, race, gender, income, and the specific drug used†. They found a recidivism rate at 6% for those who graduated from the rehabilitative program. Furthermore, those that failed the program used drugs less often than before after being released from prison. On average they used drugs about a third as much as they used to. This resulted in the individuals having better jobs and maintaining better lives. The creation of drug courts have been effective in reducing the recidivism rate and lowering the cost on prisons. Many of the present arguments against the establishments of drug courts is related to a theoretical rise in drug users due to a less severe punishment. However, this idea has been empirically disproved. In the certain areas where drug courts are present in America, such as Florida, there has not been a statistically significant increase in the amount of drug usage or drug users (Marlowe). Much of this has been applied to the continued social stigmatization of drugs. Although some states have taken a shift in their drug policy, the stigmatization of drugs still exists. Further, although the mandatory treatment program is not as harsh as prison, it is still not an appealing punishment (Marlowe). The average length to graduate from the program is about 8 months (Newton-Taylor). The time required to graduate still deters individuals from using drugs. If they fail the program, they will be sent to jail which still acts as a deterrent. (Marlowe). The argument of increased drug consumption lacks empirical evidence. The establishment of drug courts throughout the nation would help to solve some of the pressing needs of overcrowding within state prisons and the stagnant recidivism rates. Elizabeth Johnson has been pleading her case to the Illinois state government for the creation of drug courts in every county. Many representatives have joined her support of drug courts, and Illinois has seen large strides in reforming their drug policies. (Cain. ) With many large states such as Florida shifting to drug courts, the push for the federal government to enact the change will undoubtedly follow. How to cite Solving Prison Overcrowding with Drug Courts, Essay examples
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